Appointment was at 8:15 AM, I went there around 7:30 AM, and stand in queue 1.        They asked me to show Appointment...

experiences of B1/B2 Visa Interview at Chennai Consulate

9:54 PM Raghunatha 3 Comments

Appointment was at 8:15 AM, I went there around 7:30 AM, and stand in queue

1.       They asked me to show Appointment letter, Original blue receipt and confirmation letter from VFS, after verification they given Enrollment no [This is the number need to use in all other places].

2.       They made security check [should not carry mobiles, camera, any metal pieces, carry bags and even closed envelops, they will not allow inside]. Carry only opened file with documents needed.

3.      Once security check done I entered inside, then we need to wait for our enrollment number to be display, they will display enrollment number with Counter no.

4.      Documents check will do here.

Me: Hi, Good morning Mam.

Officer: Very Good morning, give me the document.

Me: Given Appointment letter, Bank Blue receipt, Invitation letter from US Company or client and all other supporting documents like Marks card, Offer letter from current company  and relieving letter of previous companies, marriage certificate[if married] and other if any .

Officer: Go to XX counter for finger prints.

Me: Thank you Mam.

5.      In Finger Prints counter, they took both hands finger prints then they ask me to go to next adjacent building.

6.      This is the US consulates counter building; I was waiting around 20 min then my Enrollment number displayed with counter number. I stand in queue there.

7.      US Consulate called my number and then,

Me: Hi Sir, Good Moring.

Officer: Very good morning, how are you?

Me: I am fine, how about you sir.

Officer: Doing well, thanks, why you want to go to US?

Me: Mention specific reason why you are going there [when you explain avoid the words like Development, Coding and Implementation].

In my case I explained that we been working for a project XXXX from past XX years for internal use. Now client wants to make the project for outside users too, so as a technical guy, I am going there to make necessary settings in data center and gathering the requirement.

Officer: How long you are working for current company?

Me: XX Years and XX months.

Officer: How much salary you are getting now?

Me: XXXXX /month then he asked me, tell me per annum, I told that.

Officer: How long you will be there in US?

Me: X Months.

Officer: Are you married?

Me: Yes/No [ I am married so I told yes.]

Officer: Your VISA is approved.

Me: Thank you Sir.

When I come out from US Embassy, it was around 9:00 AM.

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